Monday, April 16, 2012

Lessons from the Car Wash

Only I could get a car stuck going through the car wash! First, what you have to understand is that I have only been through the car wash at the gas station where you drive your car through and the signs tell you when to go and when to stop. Otherwise, I have left the car in the hands of some wonderful people who would take the car through the car wash for me. So, I had never been through a car wash with a track that guides the car through.

I went to the car wash with the work car, gave the gentleman my voucher and pulled up according to the gestures by the nice gentleman. Then...the car started moving forward!

Problem was there was a car only a few inches in front of me and I didn't want to run into it so I pushed on the brakes. WRONG!!!! Everything stopped. The nice gentleman stood by the side yelling at me to put the car in neutral and not to step on the brakes. we go again. The car righted itself and the track moved the car along. The car in front of me was still very close, but I had to trust that I wouldn't hit the car in front of me. Then....WHAMMMY----these great big blue things cover the car on all sides. I can't see anything. I can't control the car. I can't get out! I just had to wait. is what I learned.

  • Always put your car in neutral---sometimes you have to give up control
  • Close your eyes----that way you won't have a panic attack
  • The car wash is not the log ride---the track is level, not on a hill, so you don't have to worry about crashing into the car behind you!
  • It ends pretty quickly---there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Next time let your boss take the car through the car wash!!!!
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth
John 16:13 (ESV)

I am reminded that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I must give control of my life to God, and remember to seek His guidance in all aspects of my life.

If the track in the car wash represents God, and I represent myself, I am thankful that God leads us back into His Grace and Mercy even when we have been fighting him for control.

What experiences have you had that have led you to God?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You have no power over me, negative self-talk!

The little voice in my head that says, "I'm depressed," or "I want to cry," or "I hate myself" needs to be quiet! Shhh...I'm trying to concentrate. I'm trying to stay focused on positives, but this little voice has a way of sneaking up on me. The little voice has a lot to say, reminding me of every failure, every bad decision, all my regrets, and everything I long for.

I used to let this voice play continuously in my head, and it would get louder and gain more power as I slid further and further into depression. I have had to learn not to give the voice power, to ignore the voice, to quiet the voice with a louder, more powerful voice.

Now, when I find myself thinking, "I'm depressed," my first response is to tell that voice, "No, I'm NOT!" Then I remind myself of all the good things in my life, and all the positive things I have done. This, of course, is not easy. It takes practice and hard work. It takes the desire to stay in a positive state of being. It takes accepting that there are good things in my life.

Once I get my positive thoughts going, I start praying. I ask God to fill me with His Holy Spirit so there is no room for negative thoughts. If I am filled with God's goodness, there will be no space for demons.

My list of positive thoughts is longer than when I started. I used to just repeat the same few thoughts over and over, until the negativity wasn't foremost in my mind. The important thing is that you choose a positive thought to replace the negative one. Here are a few of mine, use them if you want, or write your own positive thought list, so that you are ready when the demon starts whispering.

Negative thought:                                                 Positive thought:
I hate myself!                                                        I am a loving person.
I can't do anything right!                                       I am a good writer. (insert one thing you are good at)
I just want to cry.                   Why? There is no reason. Think of something that makes me laugh      
I hate life.                              Become conscious of my surroundings, appreciate the beauty around me.

These are just examples. Choose something easy to remember and that you really feel. Then tell yourself that over and over until your mind's focus has changed.

It really works. You can make the choice to think positively about yourself or not. Negative thoughts seem to be easier for those of us that struggle with depression, but we can overcome. God will help us. Keep Your eyes on the Lord, He will lift your head and raise you up from the places of the dead.

Feel Well My Friends!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Precious Gift of Life

Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. Romans 5:18

I had an inspiration the other day for a personal devotion-using my birth month and date as a focus. So this morning I went through the New Testament and wrote down all of the 5:18 verses as a start. I am going to go back and pray over each verse and read more around the verses, but for today this verse in Romans stood out to me.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, the day Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection. Today is the day that Jesus is in the tomb, dead, taking our sins and burying them.

This verse in Romans reminds us that one transgression allowed death into the world, but with one amazing act of sacrifice-a sacrifice that was holy and pure- life was given to all humanity.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord Almighty, for sending Your Son to walk among us, to experience a human life with all of its temptations and yet to remain pure, not succumbing to the world of flesh. Thank you Jesus, for taking on the sins of the world, of all humanity, for all time and taking them to the grave so that we may have access to the Father through the Son. You are worthy of all praise and glory. I lift my hands and bow my head to You for Yours is the Glory and Power forever. Amen

Celebrate Easter with much joy dear friends, for this is the day Our Lord and Savior conquered death and gave us life!